About Us
Our goal at BizMarketingHelp is to help service-based business owners grow their businesses fast, free up more time, and increase their profits. We do this by publishing easy-to-understand marketing guides that show them how to exponentially multiply referrals, endorsements and repeat business.
We give you premium information that is actionable – some of it free, some of it paid, but whether paid or free, we only put out well-researched content that you can rely on to build your business.
All information in on this website and in our business marketing guides will have been collated from various sources which may include the following:
The best business books of the information age
- The best business marketing blogs on the internet
- Other online resources
- Offline resources
- Personal expertise and thee experiences of our contrributors
There is simply too much information on marketing your business that it begins to look intimidating where to start. We try to cut through the clatter and condense out what we think a small business owner needs to know to effectively market their business without a lot of hard work.
For enquiries or just to chat, shoot us an email at bizmarketinghelp@gmail.com
Thanks for visiting.
Victoria Brown
Contributors: Gary Clifton, Chloe Evans, Victoria Brown, Lisa Ritchie